Friday 28 December 2018

Jackson-Weiss Syndrome

Jackson-Weiss disorder (JWS) is an uncommon hereditary disorder characterized by foot malformations (tarsal and metatarsal fusions; short, broad, medially deviated great toes) and in a few patients craniosynostosis with facial anomalies. Hands are normal in affected patients. This hereditary disorder can too in some cases cause mental inability and crossed eyes.

Mutations within the FGFR2 gene cause Jackson-Weiss disorder. This gene gives instructions for making a protein called fibroblast growth factor receptor 2. Among its different functions, this protein signals immature cells to become bone cells during embryonic development. A mutation in a particular portion of the FGFR2 gene overstimulates signaling by the FGFR2 protein, which promotes the untimely combination of cranium bones and influences the development of bones within the feet.

At birth, the bones of the cranium are not joined together; they close up as the child develops. In Jackson-Weiss disorder, the cranium bones connect together (fuse) as well early. This is called "craniosynostosis." This causes:
1. Misshapen skull
2.Widely spaced eyes
3.Bulging forehead
4.The unusually flat, underdeveloped middle area of the face (midface hypoplasia)

Another distinctive group of birth defects in Jackson-Weiss disorder is on the feet:
1. The big toes are short and wide
2. The big toes also bend away from the other toes
3. The bones of some toes may be fused together (called "syndactyly") or abnormally shaped
4. Individuals with Jackson-Weiss syndrome usually have normal hands, normal intelligence, and a normal lifespan.

Diagnosis of Jackson-Weiss disorder is based on the birth defects present. There are other disorders that include craniosynostoses, such as Crouzon disorder or Apert disorder, but the foot abnormalities help distinguish Jackson-Weiss disorder. If there's a question, a genetic test might be done to help confirm the conclusion. The determination of Jackson–Weiss disorder in a person suspected of having the condition is done by means of the following:
1. Genetic testing
2. Clinical presentation


A few of the birth defects display in Jackson-Weiss disorder can be adjusted or reduced by surgery. Treatment of craniosynostosis and facial anomalies is usually treated by specialists and therapists who specialize in head and neck disorders. Treatment for Jackson–Weiss disorder can be done through surgery for a few facial features and feet.  Secondary complications such as hydrocephalus or cognitive impairment can be deflected by means of prompt surgery.

Friday 21 December 2018

Congenital Anomalies

Congenital anomaly is one of the main causes of physical disabilities, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. Congenital anomalies, moreover commonly referred to as birth defects, congenital disorders, congenital malformations, or congenital variations from the norm, are conditions of prenatal origin that are displayed at birth, possibly affecting an infant's well-being, development and/or survival. Congenital inconsistencies shift significantly in severity. A few congenital irregularities are related to spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, or death within the early postnatal period. Congenital anomalies are a driving cause of death among new-born children around the world, and hereditary factors play a major part in most of the cases. One of the biggest hereditary studies to be carried out in children has fair revealed 14 new qualities responsible for the developmental disorder.

Causes and risk factors

There are approximately 50% of all inherent anomalies cannot be connected to a particular cause, there are a few known hereditary, environmental and other causes or risk factors. However, given that most developmental disorders are exceptionally uncommon; numerous more pathogenic variations stay unknown. The Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) study aimed to recognize developmental disorders in children and utilize genomic advances to progress diagnosing.


Preventive public wellbeing measures work to diminish the frequency of certain congenital anomalies through the removal of risk components or the reinforcement of protective components. Important preventions are:
<>ensuring adolescent girls and mothers have a healthy diet including a wide variety of vegetables and fruit, and maintain a healthy weight; avoid harmful substances, particularly alcohol and tobacco
<>also avoidance of travel by pregnant women (and sometimes women of child-bearing age) to regions experiencing outbreaks of infections known to be associated with congenital anomalies;
<>vaccination, especially against the rubella virus, for children and women and many more.


Health care before and around the time of conception (preconception and peri-conception) includes basic reproductive health practices, as well as medical genetic screening and counseling. Screening can be conducted during the 3 periods listed:
<> Preconception screening can be useful to distinguish those at risk for specific disorders or at risk of passing a disorder onto their children.
<>Peri-conception screening: maternal characteristics may increase risk, and screening results should be used to offer appropriate care, according to risk.
<> Neonatal screening incorporates clinical examination and screening for disorders of the blood, metabolism and hormone production.

Treatment and care

Many structural congenital anomalies can be adjusted with pediatric surgery and early treatment can be managed to children with functional problems such as thalassemia,  sickle cell disorders, and congenital hypothyroidism (diminished work of the thyroid).

Friday 14 December 2018

The link between depression and genetic variants connected to higher body mass index suggests that obesity causes depression

People who are obese are more possible to possess depression than those who aren't, however it’s been unclear how one may cause the other. A study of the link between depression and genetic variants connected to higher body mass index suggests that obesity causes depression, and that it is the untoward psychological effects associated with obesity that drive the mood disorder. “These new findings are maybe the strongest up to now to counsel higher weights may actually contribute to depression,” Naveed Sattar, a professor of cardiovascular and medical sciences at the University of Glasgow who didn't participate within the work, tells The Guardian. “Of course, several alternative factors will cause depression, but, even so, weight loss may well be useful to boost mental state in some people, whereas keeping leaner normally should facilitate reduce probabilities of depression.”
To determine the direction of relation, researchers at the University of Exeter and the University of South Australia examined genetic information from the United Kingdom Biobank together with 48,791 people with depression and 291,995 without. They used genetic predisposition to the next body mass index (BMI) as a proxy for actual BMI (which they additionally had information on) to disentangle BMI and its relationship to depression from alternative factors that might confound the results.

The authors checked out 2 sorts of genetic variants and their relationship to depression: those who are related to higher BMI and conjointly joined to metabolic issues, like diabetes, and those that are joined to higher BMI however also are tied to a lower risk of metabolic issues. The researchers reasoned that if it were health problems attendant with fatness that were creating individuals depressed, instead of fatness itself, the genetic variants that didn’t carry any metabolic baggage wouldn't be related to depression. However, what they found was that the genetic variants joined with a lower metabolic risk conjointly correlate with depression.

Friday 30 November 2018

Coffee or tea? Your preference may be written in your DNA

Modern research suggests that our DNA helps us to choose whether we lean toward coffee or tea. Analysts from the College of Queensland in Australia considered how our genes influenced our taste and why we like a few tastes more than others. Taking after investigating; analysts accept they know why a few of us incline toward coffee whereas others like tea more. The analysts found that individuals who like more bitter tastes are more likely to drink coffee. The analysts said they found something interesting in their research. Individuals who were more sensitive to the bitter taste of caffeine were more likely to incline toward coffee to tea.
Analysts looked at data on more than 400,000 men and ladies within the United Kingdom. They too looked at an Australian study that compared the tastes of 1,757 twins with their siblings. The analysts said genes aren't the only variables influencing people's tastes. Other things like our changing environment, social components or the impacts of taking medication can too turn us on or off coffee or tea.
In the new study, analysts inspected DNA variations of genes included in detecting the bitter taste of the chemicals caffeine, quinine — that severe taste in tonic water — and propylthiouracil, or PROP, a synthetic chemical not naturally found in food or drink. Other bitter components naturally in coffee and tea may trigger the same taste reactions as quinine and PROP do, Hayes says. Researchers in Australia, the United States, and England examined DNA from more than 400,000 members in the UK Biobank, a repository of hereditary information for medical research. Members too reported other data compared those scores to the people’s detailed beverage choices. People who had the highest genetic score for detecting caffeine’s bitterness were 20 percent more likely to be heavy coffee consumers, downing four or more mugs a day, than those without the increased sensitivity, the analysts calculate.
Analysts had thought that individuals who are hereditarily inclined to taste bitter more intensely might avoid bitter beverages.

“In this case, it’s unusual how they’re seeking caffeine,” says Researchers. In past studies that sought hereditary variations connected to coffee consumption, “taste genes did not come up.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Genetic counselling

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Genetic counseling is the method of advising people and their families who are affected by or at risk of hereditary disorders. Also, it is a process to assist them to understand and adapt to the therapeutic, mental and familial suggestions of hereditary contributions to disease.
It involves talking about a genetic condition with a health professional who has qualifications in both genetics and counseling. Genetic Disorders caused by changes or mistakes in genes are inherited from one or both parents to their offspring.
The process integrates:
1. Analyze the family and medical histories to assess the chance of disease occurrence or recurrence
2. Education about genetics, it's testing, management, prevention
3. Counseling to promote the informed choices and adapt to the risk or condition.

Why might you need genetic counseling?
People affected with an inherited disorder or there might be a chance to get the inherited condition, they should consult Genetic Counselor as that will help them to understand more about the condition, what causes it and how they can adjust to it and plan for the better future.
Some of the genetic conditions (sometimes referred to as ‘hereditary disorders’) people talk to a genetic counselor about is: cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Huntington’s disease, cancer, diabetes etc.
The Genetic Counseling is different from the Genetic Testing as later involves tests which your doctor does to know about the symptoms or a family history of a genetic condition. The Genetic testing can only tell you about the likelihood and risk of your passing a genetic condition on to any children that you conceive.
Pregnant Women could do diagnostic tests as part of your pregnancy check-ups and scans, to find out if their baby has a genetic disorder. These tests include amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling or CVS.

Role of Genetic Counselor
Genetic counselors are trained to advise you about:
·  The risk of developing specific types of Cancer-based on your     family history
·   Genetic tests that can give one more information about the risk of   certain types of cancer
·   The testing process, the limitations and accuracy of genetic tests
·  Emotional, psychological, and social consequences after knowing   the test results
·   Screening Cancer and monitoring options
·   Cancer prevention
·    Diagnostic and treatment options
·    The privacy of your genetic information
·    Talking with family members about cancer risk

Sunday 18 November 2018

Gene Mutation: The Hair loss

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Researchers have identified a new gene which is involved in hair growth and also found the gene mutation which is responsible for hypotrichosis simplex, a hereditary hair loss disorder which is affecting people nowadays. The disorder causes hair follicle miniaturization, a process in which hair follicles shrink and narrow, and thick hair is supplanted by fine, downy "peach fuzz" hair. This discovery may affect the future researches and treatments for the male pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss.

The identification of this gene basic hereditary hypotrichosis simplex has managed us an opportunity to gain understanding into the method of hair follicle miniaturization, which is most commonly watched in male pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. It is important to note that whereas these two conditions share the same physiologic process, the gene researchers found for genetic hypotrichosis does not clarify the complex process of male pattern hair loss.

The team researchers made their data by analyzing genetic data from few families and from countries like Pakistan and Italy who have hereditary hypotrichosis simplex. After analysis they found a common mutation in the APCDD1 gene, which is found in a particular region on chromosome 18 that has been appeared in past studies to be involved in other shapes of hair loss, counting androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, implying at a broader part in hair follicle biology.

Importantly, the analysts found that APCDD1 inhibits a signaling pathway that has long been appeared to control hair development in mouse models but has not been broadly connected to human hair development. Laboratory researchers have focused on this pathway, known as the Wnt signaling pathway, to turn on or off hair development in mice, but, until presently, the pathway did not show up to be included in human hair loss. This finding is significant since it gives evidence that hair growth patterns in people and in mice are more similar than already accepted.

These findings suggest that manipulating the Wnt pathway may have an effect on hair follicle growth for the first time, in humans And unlike commonly available treatments for hair loss that involve blocking hormonal pathways. They are now working to understand the complex genetic causes of other forms of hair loss including alopecia areata, with the hope of eventually developing new, effective treatments for these conditions.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor

New research reveals that people with blue eyes have (single) common ancestor. Previously we all had brown eyes, but a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally turned off the ability to produce brown eyes.

The OCA2 gene codes for the P protein, which is involved in the production of melanin pigment that gives color to our hair, eyes, and skin. The "switch," which is found within the gene adjacent to OCA2, however does not, turn off the gene totally, but rather limits its action to lessening the production of melanin within the iris successfully i.e; "diluting" brown eyes to blue. The switch's impact on OCA2 is exceptionally specific.

In addition to having significantly less melanin in their iris than people with brown eyes, hazel eyes or green eyes, blue-eyed individuals have only a little degree of variation in their genetic coding for melanin production. Brown-eyed people, on the other hand, have significant individual variation within the area of their DNA that controls melanin production. From this, the researchers conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestors and they all have inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA.
The color of our eyes depends on the amount of melanin is present in the iris. There's only brown color within the eye — there's no hazel shade or green shade or blue color. Brown eyes have the highest amount of melanin within the iris, and blue eyes have the slightest.

Risks Associated With Blue Eyes
As blue eyes contain less melanin as compared to hazel, brown and green eyes they are more susceptible to damage from UV and blue light because melanin in the iris protects the back of the eye from the damage caused by UV radiation and high-energy visible ("blue") light from sunlight and artificial sources of these rays.
Research has shown that blue eye colour is associated with a greater risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and a rare but potentially deadly form of eye cancer called uveal melanoma.
For these reasons, people with blue eyes should be more cautious regarding their exposure to sunlight.

Saturday 3 November 2018

Freckles and Genetics


A few individuals are more likely to urge freckles than others, depending on their genes and skin type. If a person is hereditarily more likely to develop freckles, exposure to daylight can make them appear. Freckles are common in children and may vanish or ended up less noticeable as they grow up.

Freckles show up when melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, builds up beneath the skin. Freckles may look brown, red, or tan. Sun exposure and hereditary factors make some people more likely to create freckles.

1. Sun exposure:
A person's skin cells produce additional melanin to protect the skin from sun damage. This is why freckles tend to seem after sun exposure. Freckles can show up over a large area of skin and can reappear or become darker within the summer months. Spots regularly fade or vanish within the winter months, when new skin cells replace old cells. Freckles develop on areas often uncovered to daylight, such as the: face, arms, neck, back, chest

2. Genetics
Genetics moreover play a leading role in who is more likely to develop freckles based on which type of melanin their body produces. The body can produce two sorts of melanin called pheomelanin and eumelanin. Eumelanin ensures the skin from UV beams, but pheomelanin does not. The type of melanin the body produces depends on a gene called MC1R. People with dim hair, eyes, and skin usually deliver mostly eumelanin and are less likely to create freckles. People with red, blonde, or light brown hair and who have light-colored skin and eyes usually deliver mainly pheomelanin and are more likely to develop freckles.

Freckles are not dangerous. However, as individuals with freckles have skin that's more touchy to daylight, they should take additional care to protect their skin from the sun. Freckles can look very comparable to other marks that develop on the skin. For example, they can look like sun spots, moreover known as age spots, or liver spots. Sun exposure could be an essential cause of both spots and age spots. Age spots are ordinarily bigger than freckles, are more clearly characterized, and tend to seem in older adults.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Could we use gene mutations to treat diabetes and heart disease?

Researchers say they have found a gene mutation that moderates the metabolism of sugar within the intestine, giving individuals who have the mutation a distinct advantage over those who don't. 
Those with the mutation have a lower chance of diabetes, obesity, heart failure, and even death. The analysts say their finding may give the basis for drug therapies that could imitate the workings of this gene mutation, offering a potential advantage for the millions of individuals who endure with diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

The study shows that individuals who have the characteristic gene mutation have an advantage when it comes to diet. Those who eat a high-carbohydrate diet and have this mutation will retain less glucose than those without the mutation. A high-carbohydrate diet includes such foods as pasta, bread, cookies, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Researchers said that they're excited about this study since it helps them to clarify the interface between what we eat, what we absorb, and our chance for disease. Knowing this opens the door to improved treatments for the cardiometabolic disease.

During the study, the analysts examined the relationship between SGLT-1 mutations and cardiometabolic disease using genetic data gotten from 8,478 participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. The analysts found that almost 6 percentages of the subjects carried a mutation in SGLT-1 that causes limited impairment of glucose absorption. People with this change had a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, were less obese, had a lower rate of heart failure, and had a lower mortality rate when compared to those without the mutation, indeed after adjusting for dietary intake.

Based on these discoveries, the researchers recommend that specifically blocking the SGLT-1 receptor could provide a way to slow down glucose uptake to anticipate or treat cardiometabolic disease and its consequences.

Friday 12 October 2018

Genetic Disorder: Neurofibromatosis

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Neurofibromatosis is a rare genetic Disorder in the nervous system. In this case, benign tumors grow in the nerves and in other parts of the body which affect the growth and development of nerve cell tissue. Sometimes people with this disorder affected profoundly whereas some could barely notice the neurological problems. In this disorder is a group of three disorder in which the tumors grow in the nervous system. The three types are neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), type 2 (NF2) neurofibromatosis and Schwannomatosis. Neurofibromas that occur on or under the skin, sometimes even deep within the body; these are benign (harmless) tumors; however, in rare cases, they can turn malignant or cancerous.

Neurofibromatosis is often inherited (passed on by family individuals through our genes), but around 50% of individuals recently analyzed with the disorder have no family history of the condition, which can emerge spontaneously through a mutation in the genes. Once this change has taken place, the mutant gene can be passed on to future eras.

<>In NF1 side effects include light brown spots on the skin, freckles within the armpit and crotch, small bumps inside nerves, and scoliosis.
<>Tiny growths in the iris (colored area) of the eye; these are called Lisch nodules and usually do not affect eyesight.
<>Bone deformities, including a twisted spine (scoliosis) or bowed legs
Tumors along the optic nerve, which may cause eyesight problems
<>In NF2 there may be hearing loss, cataracts at a youthful age, balance issues, flesh-colored skin flaps, and muscle wasting.
<>The tumors are generally non-cancerous.
<>In schwannomatosis isn't well-understood it is estimated that 85 percent of cases have no known cause (“spontaneous”) and 15 percent are acquired.

<>Neurofibromatosis is diagnosed using a number of tests, including:
<>Physical examination
<>Medical history
<>Family history
<>Computerized tomography (CT) scans
<>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
<>Biopsy of neurofibromas
<>Eye tests
<>Tests for particular symptoms, such as hearing or balance tests
<>Genetic testing

Friday 5 October 2018

Human genetic variation

Human genetic variation is the hereditary contrasts in and among populations. There may be multiple variations of any given gene within the human population (alleles), a situation called polymorphism. No two people are hereditarily identical. Indeed monozygotic twins (who create from one zygote) have occasional hereditary differences due to transformations occurring during development and gene copy-number variation. Differences between people, indeed closely related individuals, are the key to strategies such as genetic fingerprinting. The study of human genetic variation has developmental significance and therapeutic applications. It can help researchers get it ancient human populace migrations as well as how human groups are naturally related to one another. For medication, think about of human genetic variation may be vital since a few disease-causing alleles happen more frequently in individuals from particular geographic districts. Modern discoveries appear that each human has an average of 60 new mutations compared to their parents.

Causes of variation

Causes of differences between individuals include independent assortment, the exchange of genes (crossing over and recombination) during reproduction (through meiosis) and different mutational events. There are at least three reasons why hereditary variety exists between populations. The natural choice may confer an adaptive advantage to people in a particular environment if an allele provides a competitive advantage. Alleles under selection are likely to occur only in those geographic districts where they confer an advantage. A second important process is a genetic drift, which is the impact of irregular changes within the gene pool, under conditions where most mutations are natural (that is, they do not appear to have any positive or negative selective impact on the organism). Finally, little migrant populaces have statistical differences—call the founder effect—from the overall populaces where they originated; when these vagrants settle new zones, their descendant populace typically varies from their population of origin.

What Is the Significance of Human Genetic Variation?

Nearly all human genetic variation is generally insignificant biologically; that is, it has no adaptive importance. A few variations (for example, a neutral transformation) modify the amino acid sequence of the resulting protein but produce no detectable change in its work. Other variation (for the case, a silent transformation) does not indeed change the amino acid sequence.

Friday 21 September 2018

Population genetics

Population genetics looks to understand how and why the frequencies of alleles and genotypes alter over time inside and between populations. It is the branch of science that gives the most profound and clearest understanding of how developmental alter happens. Population genetics is especially relevant nowadays within the growing journey to get it the basis for genetic variation in susceptibility to complex diseases. Population hereditary qualities are personally bound up with the study of advancement and natural selection and are regularly respected as the hypothetical cornerstone of cutting-edge Darwinism. This is because the natural selection is one of the foremost vital components that can influence a population's hereditary composition. Natural determination happens when a few variants in a population out-reproduce other variants as a result of being better adjusted to the environment, or ‘fitter’. 
Assuming the fitness differences are at least mostly due to hereditary differences, this will cause the population's hereditary makeup to be changed over time. 

By considering formal models of gene frequency alter, the developmental Process and
to allow the results of distinctive developmental hypotheses to be investigated in a quantitatively precise way.

Advances in molecular science have created an enormous supply of information on the hereditary inconstancy of genuine populations, which has empowered a link to be forged between unique population-genetic models and observational data. The status of populace hereditary qualities in modern science is an interesting issue. In spite of its centrality to evolutionary hypothesis, and its historical significance, populace hereditary qualities aren’t without its critics. Population-genetic models of advancement have too been censured on the grounds that few phenotypic characteristics are controlled by genotype at a single locus, or indeed two or three loci. 

In spite of the criticisms leveled against it, populace genetics has had a major impact on our understanding of how evolution works.

Friday 7 September 2018

Lithium: a key to the genetics of bipolar disorder

Lithium is a decades-old treatment for bipolar disorder, profoundly effective in those who react. It comes with a few side effects, and lithium has been superseded in huge part by newer mood stabilizers. But lithium’s effectiveness in the one-third of bipolar patients who react to the medicate compares favorably with the newer medications. Neglect of this reasonable medicine implies bipolar patients who could be helped never get a chance to encounter its benefit.
Until now, analysts have not caught on why these patients have not reacted to the common treatment, whereas others have reacted well to the drug. Now as the universal Consortium on Lithium Genetics, the bunch has considered the underlying hereditary qualities of more than 2500 patients treated with lithium for bipolar disorder. Researchers found that patients clinically analyzed with bipolar disorder who showed a poor reaction to lithium treatment all shared something in common: a high number of genes already recognized for schizophrenia, This doesn't prove
that the patient too had schizophrenia -- but in case a bipolar patient features a high 'gene load' of schizophrenia hazard genes, our research appears they are less likely to reply to mood stabilizers such as lithium. In addition, researchers identified new genes within the immune system that will play a vital biological part within the underlying pathways of lithium and its effect on treatment response.
Clinical studies have appeared as well that the treatment reaction and result show up to be particular for the different types of mood stabilizers. Patients who react to lithium display qualitative contrasts with patients reacting to other medicines, such as valproate, carbamazepine or lamotrigine. Reactions to carbamazepine had atypical clinical highlights, such as mood-incongruent psychosis, an age at onset of illness below 30 years old, and a negative family history of mood disorders. Additionally, in a study comparing the phenotypic spectra in responders to lithium versus lamotrigine, the probands contrasted with regard to the clinical course (with rapid cycling and non-episodic course within the lamotrigine gather) and co-morbidity, with the lamotrigine-responder group appearing a better recurrence of panic attacks and substance abuse.

In conclusion, pharmacogenetic studies may give important clues to the nature of bipolar disorder and the response to long-term treatment.

Sunday 2 September 2018

New Gene Therapy Can Restore Hand Function after Spinal Cord Injury

New gene therapy can possibly offer assistance to individuals with spinal cord wounds to re-learn skilled hand movements, reports a new study. The discoveries of the study are published in the journal Brain. People with spinal line damage frequently lose the capacity to perform ordinary activities that require coordinated hand developments such as writing, holding a toothbrush or picking up a drink. ‘New gene therapy can restore hand work after spinal cord harm by causing cells to deliver a chemical called chondroitinase which can break down the scar tissue and permit networks of nerve cells to regenerate.’
In the study, the researchers tried the modern gene treatment on rats for regenerating harmed tissue in the spinal cord that can be switched on and off employing a common antibiotic. "Gene therapy provides a way of treating expansive zones of the spinal cord with only one injection, and with the switch, we can presently turn the gene off when it is now not required," Researchers added.
After a traumatic spinal injury, thick scar tissue forms which prevent new connections being made between nerve cells. The gene therapy causes cells to deliver a chemical called chondroitinase which can break down the scar tissue and permit systems of nerve cells to regenerate.
The researchers gave the gene therapy to rats with spinal injuries that closely imitated the kind of human spinal injuries that happen after traumatic impacts such as car crashes or falls. "We found that when the gene therapy was switched on for two months, the rats were able to precisely reach and grasp sugar pellets," explained by researchers. "We moreover found a sensational increase in activity within the spinal cord of the rats, recommending that new connections had been made within the networks of nerve cells," she noted.

However, the researchers had to overcome an issue with the immune system recognizing and expelling the quality switch mechanism. To get around this, they added a "stealth quality" which hides the gene switch from the immune system. The gene therapy isn't however prepared for human trials, the researchers said.

Friday 24 August 2018

Doctors Successfully Treat Rare Genetic Disorder in Utero

The Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, is also known as “Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia” and “Christ-Siemens-Touraine Syndrome”. It is one of about 150 types of ectodermal dysplasia in Humans which leaves patients unable to produce sweat, which can be life-threatening.
It is a genetic disease and before birth, this disorder shows abnormal development of structures including skin, hair, teeth, nails and sweat glands and most people with this disorder have a reduced ability to sweat (hypohidrosis) because they have very fewer sweat gland as compared to normal which do not function properly.
The disease, X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), influences around 1 in 17,000 individuals around the world. Patients with XLHED carry a mutant gene that anticipates the production of a certain protein, called ectodysplasin A. Missing this protein causes abnormal development and the decreased capacity to sweat (called hypohidrosis) can lead to unsafe overheating, causing possibly life-threatening health issues.
After the successful test in mice, specialists treated a pair of twins and a third infant diagnosticate with XLHED with a recombinant protein whereas the babies were still in utero. They treated the twins with the protein twice, at weeks 26 and 31 of pregnancy, and treated the third child at week 26 only. In spite of the fact that the treatment may have driven to the premature birth of the twins at 33 weeks, it too appears to have been effective in all three cases. After 22 months of postnatal follow-up, the three newborn children were able to deliver sweat normally and had not developed XLHED-related indications.
Affected people show sparse scalp and body hair (hypotrichosis). The hair is frequently light-colored, delicate, and slow-growing. These symptoms additionally include absent teeth (hypodontia) or teeth that are malformed. The teeth that are present are habitually little and pointed.

While the treatment isn’t completely curative, the foremost life-threatening aspect of the disease was effectively addressed. Long-term follow-ups are required to ensure that the positive impacts last all through the patients’ lifetimes in which there are no long-term side effects for the mothers.

Saturday 18 August 2018

Unique Brain 'Fingerprint' Can Predict Drug Effectiveness

A unique "brain fingerprint" may offer assistance to distinguish the foremost useful therapeutic intervention for individual patients with neurologic clutter such as Alzheimer's disease,  possibly saving millions from experiencing ineffective treatment, modern research suggests. Investigators utilized computational brain modeling and artificial intelligence strategies to analyze positron emission tomography (PET) and MRI from over 300 patients with Alzheimer's Disease and healthy controls.
Thanks to technological advancement as that might change. From later discoveries, it is presently possible to think of personalized treatment for patients with certain neurological conditions. The concept capitalizes in reading the brain’s fingerprint. This tech can be utilized to better group patients with neurological illnesses so as to put them in line with the most successful therapeutic arrangements based on their particular needs.
The technique is called pTIF (personalized Therapeutic Intervention Fingerprint) and it rotates around anticipating the effectiveness of focusing on particular biological perspectives, such as brain amyloid/tau deposition, neuronal, functional dysregulation, and inflammation — with the sole expectation of managing how a patient’s disease evolves. This treatment option capitalizes on present-day innovations, artificial intelligence, and computational brain modeling.
The interesting portion is that usually the only study that has ever unmasked a direct connection between brain dynamics, molecular and cognitive alterations and predicted therapeutic reactions in patients. Meaning, specialists can presently utilize subtypes to plan drugs that do best with the specific patient, based on their phenotypic brain characteristics and their unique gene expression profile. Something the researchers expressed could be a major milestone in personalized medicine, and could immensely progress the effectiveness of treatment. Top on that this will cut the budget for clinical drug trials since researchers will be able to choose patients without guesswork.

Why Personalized Medicine?

While this may be among the few endeavors to try out personalized medication in neural disorders, researchers have since believed that for persistent conditions like cancer, custom-made treatment could be the remaining hope for patients. Previous discoveries moreover state that personalized drugs will offer assistance in diminishing undesired side impacts, and may make therapeutic care less complicated. It is accepted that this will make clinical trials and related cost of research excessively less expensive. However, there are also concerns that this will require specialists to be retrained, to be able to handle patients based on their particular needs.

Friday 10 August 2018

Gaucher Disease

Gaucher disease is a rare inherited disorder characterized by deposition of a type of fat (lipid) called glucocerebroside which cannot be adequately degraded. The disease is occurred due to deficiency of an enzyme i.e., glucocerebrosidase, which helps to breaks glucocerebroside. Gaucher disease is caused by the transformations (mutations) in a single gene called GBA. Transformations within the GBA gene cause very low levels of glucocerebrosidase.
An individual who has Gaucher disease acquires a mutated duplicate of the GBA quality from each of his/her guardians. It affects certain organs and tissues only, particularly Spleen and Liver, bone marrow and nervous system interfering with normal functioning.
Gaucher disease is of various types depending on their characteristic features. It causes the particular organ or tissue to enlarge which affects the normal functioning of the organism. The fatty substances too can build up in bone tissue, debilitating the bone and expanding the hazard of fractures. In case the bone marrow is affected, it can be meddled along with your blood's ability to clot. The signs and symptoms of this disease vary widely and are most common in Jewish people of Eastern and Central European descent (Ashkenazi). Symptoms can appear at any age. Treatment often includes enzyme replacement therapy.
Type 1 is the most common, does not influence the nervous system and may show up early in life or adulthood. Numerous individuals with Type 1 Gaucher disease have discoveries that are so mellow that they never have any issues from the disorder. Type 2 and 3 do influence the nervous system. Type 2 causes genuine medical issues starting in the earliest stages, whereas Type 3 advances more slowly than Type 2.There are too other more bizarre forms that are difficult to classify inside the three Types.
·         Enlargement of the liver and spleen(hepatosplenomegaly).
·         A low number of red blood cells (anemia).
·         Easy bruising caused, in part, by a low level of platelets (thrombocytopenia).

·         Bone disease(bone pain and fractures).

Monday 23 July 2018

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: Genetic Diseases

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies which affect mostly to the people of United States.
It is a common hereditary disease and comprising of a group of disorders that affects the peripheral nervous system. It is defined by progressive loss of muscle tissue and touch sensation across various part of the body. The disorders that affect the peripheral nerves are called Peripheral Neuropathies.
The peripheral nerves lie outside the brain and spinal cord and supply the supply the muscles and sensory organs in the limbs.
What are the symptoms of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease?
The neuropathy of CMT usually begins in childhood and affects motor and sensory nerves (the motor nerves are involved to contract muscles and control all the voluntary muscle activities).  The severity of this diseases varies from person to person. This disease causes weakness in the foot and lower leg muscles which result in foot drop and a high-stepped gait with frequent tripping. In some cases, lower leg may take on the appearance of an ‘inverted champagne bottle’ due to the loss of the bulk of muscle. Later the weakness and muscle atrophy may occur in the hands which ultimately leads to the difficulty in carrying out fine motor skills (affects the coordination of movements of fingers, hand, wrist, feet, and tongue). It is not considered a fatal disease and people with most forms of CMT have a normal life expectancy. Overuse of the affected part can activate symptoms like numbness, spasm, and painful cramping.
Some people do not experience the symptoms until their early 30s and 40s.
Symptoms and progressions vary from person to person including involuntary grinding of teeth, breathing, hearing, vision, neck, shoulder muscles, loss of heights, malfunction of hip sockets, gastrointestinal problems etc.

It is caused by the mutations which lead to the defects in the proteins, involved in structure and function of either the peripheral nerve axon or the myelin sheath. Although different proteins are abnormal in different types of CMT, and slowly degenerates the nerves and lose the ability of the nerves to communicate with their distant targets. Nerve signals are conducted by the axon with a myelin sheath and this CMT mostly affect the myelin sheath as compared to the

Monday 16 July 2018

Genetic Diseases: Cystic hygroma

A Cystic hygroma is a fluid-filled sacs which occurs due to blockage in the Lymphatic system. It mostly occurs in the neck and head area, but it can be found anywhere in the body. It may be found in a baby during a pregnancy ultrasound, or it may be clear at birth as a delicate bulge beneath the skin. Cystic hygromas influence 1 in 800 pregnancies and 1 in 8,000 live births. In 80% of cases, cystic hygromas show up on the face, counting the head, neck, mouth, cheek, or tongue. The growths may also occur in other parts of the body; i.e. armpits, chest, legs, chest, buttocks, and groin.
When it is distinguished on pregnancy ultrasound, there's an increased chance for miscarriage. In some cases, it isn't found until a person is older. Indications can change depending on its size and the particular area, and it can possibly cause issues with adjacent structures or organs.
Cystic hygromas usually influence children, but there have been uncommon cases of them showing up in adulthood.
The Cystic hygromas are caused due to environmental and genetic factors both. The exact cause of cystic hygromas isn't known but hereditary anomalies are present in around 25% to 75% of influenced children. The disease is more common in people with Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome.
Symptoms may vary depending on the area of the cysts. A few children may not encounter any indications other than the growth.
If a child has symptoms, they may include:
·         fluid-filled sacs on the tongue
·         large cysts that appear blue
·         obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes breathing to stop and start
·         breathing and feeding difficulties
·         failure to thrive
·         bone and teeth abnormalities

In rare cases, the hygromas may bleed or become infected.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Impact of epigenetics in the management of cardiovascular disease: a review

Epigenetics is the new study of all the heritable changes which have a tremendous potential to introduce new biomarkers in the Cardiovascular disease (CVD) field and also new avenues for innovative research therapies.
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading diseases and is responsible for one-third of all deaths worldwide and accounting for an important burden of healthcare expenditure.
Epigenetic mechanisms represent a stable cellular memory that allows the propagation of gene activities from one generation of cells to the next generation.
There are several pathological conditions which affect the heart including Cardiac hypertrophy, Coronary artery disease, hypertension etc. which leads to the failure of the heart.
Already, epigenetic modifications were reported to play an urgent part in process underlying CVD, counting atherosclerosis, irritation, and hypertension. To date, most of the restrictions for the complete understanding of the hereditary impact on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are likely due to the inactive basic assessment of the DNA code.
In epigenetics, through the study of a few energetic pathways, alter moreover the genome’s functionality under exogenous impact, which may recognize novel mechanisms and targets within the control of gene regulation, with noteworthy acquisitions in CVD information of its hereditary risk and pathophysiology. In fact, epigenetic alterations such as histones alterations, DNA methylation, and little noncoding RNAs occur in response to natural changes. Pollution and diet will significantly alter these epigenetic alterations and trigger susceptibility to CVD
There are several potential benefits of using the epigenetic biomarkers such DNA methylation of specific genes or miRNAs. As compared to the classical biochemical biomarkers present ones can give valuable data about gene functions and phenotypes which would be helpful for CVD diagnosis, outcome, prognosis, treatment monitoring and stratification.

Friday 15 June 2018

Gene editing for cancer prevention may actually cause cancer

Gene editing or genome editing is a method which allows changing in an organism’s DNA sequence and is done to understand diseases using cells and animal models. This technology helps them to add, remove and to alter a particular location in the human genome. Several approaches to genome editing have been developed and still, scientists are working to determine whether gene editing is safe and effective for use in people and It is being explored on a wide variety of diseases which includes single-gene disorders and prevention of complex diseases like Cancer. A recent technology, known as CRISPR-Cas9, which is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and CRISPR-associated protein 9. The CRISPR-Cas9 system has generated a lot of enthusiasm in the scientific community because it is faster, cheaper, more accurate, and more efficient than other existing genome editing methods.
CRISPR is a bacterial cell which contains fragments of DNA from viruses which have attacked them previously. These fragments are collected from the invading viruses and are used to create DNA segments known as CRISPR arrays which allow the bacteria to remember the viruses, so that when it will infect again then bacteria will produce RNA segments from the CRISPR arrays to target the virus and kills them.
The same technology i.e. CRISPR-Cas9 works similarly in the laboratory. Researcher creates a small piece of RNA with a short “guide” that binds to the target DNA and RNA binds to the Cas9 enzyme. Likewise, the modified RNA is used to recognize the infected DNA sequence and Cas9 cuts that DNA. Once it is cut, researchers use the cell’s own repair machinery to add or delete pieces of genetic material.

Ethical concern emerges when these technologies alter human genes. The change which affects certain tissues is not passed to the next generation. However, the changes made to genes in egg or sperm cells or in the genes of an embryo could be passed to future generations. Germ-line cell and embryo gene editing bring up a number of ethical issues, including whether it would be acceptable to use this technology to enhance normal human traits including height or intelligence. Based on the concerns about ethics and safety, germline cell and embryo genome editing are currently illegal in many countries.